Bashkir open joint-stock company of the power industry and electrification “Bashkirenergo” was established by the State Committee for State Property Management of the Republic of Bashkortostan on October 30, 1992.
OJSC “Bashkirenergo” – is a major regional integrated utility company in the Rebublic of Bashkortostan of the Russian Federation. It produces electricity and heat, and transmits both products to consumers through power and heating grid. ranked 5 by installed electric capacity and 7 by installed heat capacity among the Russian territorial generating companies. Bashkirenergo’s installed electric and heat capacity amounts to 4 316 MW, and 12 784 Gcal/h respectively.It is ranked 5 by installed electric capacity and 7 by installed heat capacity among the Russian TGKs (Territorial generating companies based on CHP plants). By the amount of heat output OJSC “Bashkirenergo” is among the 10 major heat producing companies in the world. OJSC “Bashkirenergo has a dominating position at the electricity and heat market of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which is one of the top-ten developed regions of Russia. Bashkirenergo has competitive advantages over other TGKs due to its large condensation plant – the Karmanovskaya GRES (State Regional Power Plant with 1800 MW of installed capacity), and 215 MW of hydro and wind plants.
OJSC "Bashkirenergo" also controls two power grid companies: LLC "BSK" with high-voltage transmission grid and substations, and LLC "BashRES" with distribution grid. LLC "BSK" has 2,205 km of transmission grid (VL 220-500 kW),5,971 ÌVA of step up and stand down Transformer substations 220-500 êW. LLC "BashRES" owns 79,441 km of overhead distribution grid (VL 0,4-110 kW), 6,241 km of cable distribution grid, 10,564 ÌVÀ installed capacity of substations 35-110 kW, 4,484 ÌVA installed capacity of TS.
LLC "BashRTS" is a 100% subsidiary of OJSC "Bashkirenergo" which manages 2,024 km of heating grid, 4,058 Gcal/h of water heating boilers and 429 Gcal/h steam boilers.
OJSC “Bashkirenergo” also controls companies engaged in repair and maintenance of power-generating equipment, along with recreation and medical facilities.